Family Engagement


The Family Engagement team knows how important parental and family involvement both across the state and within all aspects of the early childhood care and education system are to the success of building quality early childhood care and education.

We are looking for parents who can work closely with early childhood professionals to advise and inform them and to advocate for all Nebraska families. Family Engagement embraces inclusivity and wants to partner with families who represent the broad range of Nebraska voices and who come from all areas of the state.

Parent Recruitment

We encourage our partners to join us in inviting parents into the process. Below are two cards (one in English and one in Spanish) that you can download and disseminate to parent constituents.

Reclutamiento de padres y familias de niños pequeños

Alentamos a las organizaciones con las que trabajamos, a unirse a nosotros para invitar a los padres y familiares al proceso. A continuación hay dos tarjetas (una en inglés y otra en español) que puede descargar y distribuir entre los padres y familias que cuidan a niños pequeños.

Parent/Family Feedback

While Family Engagement invites parents and families to work with our initiatives, we understand the busy lives of those parenting children. Should you be unable to attend a meeting for which you have feedback or if you have questions about family engagement issues, we encourage you to submit feedback and questions here. We also welcome comments concerning our upcoming Family Engagement Conference. Thank you for your time!

Comentarios de los padres/familia

Sabemos que los padres y familias con niños pequeños tienen vidas muy ocupadas. Si no pueden asistir a las juntas, pero tiene retroalimentación para nosotros – sugerencias, comentarios, preguntas, etc. parar nuestra próxima conferencia, por favor escríbanos. ¡Gracias por su tiempo!

Name/Nombre (optional/opcional)
Please provide the best way to contact you (Optional)./Escriba la mejor manera de comunicarnos con usted (opcional)
Please provide your feedback here./Por favor escriba su mensaje aquí.