
Help Me Grow

The Help Me Grow initiative is sponsored by Children's Hospital & Medical Center and is designed to promote "the early identification of developmental, behavioral, or educational concerns." Through a 211 call in program and a web-based question form, Help Me Grow is able to connect children and families to the community-based services and supports they need at no cost to parents or caregivers. The program also provides resources that educate families on developmental milestones and on recognizing concerns so that early action can be taken.

What Help Me Grow Offers
  • A 2-1-1 call center that provides resources and addresses concerns about developmental issues.
  • Care Coordinator's that assess the needs of children and their families.
  • Free screenings that help assess a child’s developmental and behavioral skills.
  • Referrals to local services and supports once a Care Coordinator  has assessed screening results and shared them with the family.
  • Follow ups to assess outcomes of previous referrals and to address any additional family concerns.

Contacts: Rick Helweg and Holly Dingman