Frequently Asked Questions


Below are answers to some frequently asked questions about how progress of PDG and other early childhood-related initiatives are evaluated..

  1. Who evaluates the progress of early childhood initiatives?

    While there are a number of ways that progress is evaluated, the main group responsible for Preschool Development Grant evaluation is the Performance Evaluation team through the Buffet Early Childhood Institute (BECI). BECI tracks evaluation results to update the research base on the programs being implemented through the grant.

  2. How is Nebraska collecting information to evaluate changes and the need for changes in the state?

    One initiative funded by the Preschool Development Grant is the Early Childhood Integrated Data System (ECIDS). ECIDS is a "collaboration between state agencies, providers, organizations, and communities to collect, connect, integrate, and report information about the early childhood population and programs across Nebraska." The program is "designed to equip communities with the data and information necessary to deliver and coordinate early childhood services by informing decision-making at the state, community, and program levels."